Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to my journey!

My journey to illness has probably taken years, but I'm hopeful my journey to health will be a quick one. I know it will be a journey back to HEALTH because the alternative is NOT acceptable. My kids need a healthy, energetic mom - they deserve to have that, and I am determined to be that for them and for myself.

Why am I making this a public journey? I think it's because of the Weight Watchers factor - if you have to go to a meeting every week and be accountable for yourself in front of other people, you'll think twice about eating that donut. If I discuss my journey publicly, hopefully it will help motivate me to make the right choices for my health.

Thank you to all of you who have joined me on my journey, especially the people who have already supported me and my family by providing baked goods, play dates, gift cards for take-out, shoulders to lean on, and just general good thoughts and prayers. You know who you are and you are very much appreciated!


  1. From a medical perspective, if there is anything I can do please let me know. Even if you just require some information that I can obtain for you.
